Friday, September 18, 2009

Excessive Spending? What?

As diagnosed by Brody Mullins and T.W. Farnam in a recent evaluation found in The Wall Street Journal, our federal lawmakers have demonstrated a tendency to exploit the wealth of the tax system through their foreign travels and endeavors. Under the auspices of diplomatic or congressional delegations, lawmakers eagerly traverse countries abroad, spending obscene amounts of money on lodging, food and accommodations. Trips to Jamaica, The Virgin Islands, and the Galapagos Islands have all been made this year alone, fully paid for by the American people. Because lawmakers' expenditure is not derived from their own income, they are frivolous in their spending habits. Records of their excursions are kept to an extreme minimum, only cataloging the destination and the amount spent, completely disregarding the purpose for the spent funding.

Lawmakers are taking advantage of their positions in the government, embezzling the American people and utilizing the taxpayers' money for their own private interests. How can politicians claim that they are minimizing pork barrel spending while we, the average citizens, are still paying for their exotic vacations? To know that thirty dollars of my paycheck every other week goes to buy an over-weight politician another Bahama Mama coconut drink is slightly concerning. For the same politicians that are screaming for foreign aid, aid for those individuals less fortunate, they are enabling the reaper of hypocrisy to swing freely.

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